ARC Training Centre in Alloy Innovation for Mining Efficiency

The centre aims to make Australian manufacturers dominant in the multi-billion dollar mining equipment sector by training innovators to design the world’s best highly customised long-life, wear resistant components.

Our research involves rapid development of customised alloys that excel in severe mining conditions, using 3D printing, novel characterisation and through our networked training environment. These innovations will enable much needed efficiencies in the industry.

Anticipated outcomes are the design of products with superior alloy design and material selection; jobs growth and security in the mining component production sector; and increased mining efficiency and cost reduction.

For more information, please contact us:

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Success story : Dr. Daniel Grasser

AT A GLANCE Name: Dr Daniel Grasser Area of expertise: Discrete Element Modelling (DEM), bulk material handling, and reduction of wear during mining operations Current affiliation: TUNRA Bulk Solids Project :  Optimising bulk particle flow of iron ore inside a chute using Discrete Eleme...

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Destabilization Treatment and Its Influence on Microstructure and Matrix Hardness of High-Cr Cast Iron

mineAlloy researchers and collaborators recently published their work on the influence of destabilization treatment on the microstructure and hardness of High-chromium cast iron (Metall Mater Trans A (2023), 1-14, This study examines the microstructur...

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Visiting research student: exploring grinding media wear in a ball mill

Desire Emefa Awuye is a new visiting research student at mineAlloy. This research is part of her PhD in Minerals Engineering at the University of Mines and Technology, Ghana. For the upcoming 6 months, her research focuses on grinding media wear simulations and heat treatment of grinding media to im...

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