Modelling of impeller-tumbler wear test with discrete element method

mineAlloy researchers (Vadim Zolotarevskiy, Santiago Corujeira Gallo, Michael Pereira, Matthew Barnett) recently published their work on the impeller-tumbler wear test (Modelling of impeller-tumbler wear test with discrete element method, Wear, Volumes 510–511, 204509,

Discrete element modelling (DEM) was used to model the wear of mild steel and the results were validated against the experimental results. Important quantities such as the normal and tangential force ratio and the collision energy for different particle size distributions were analysed. This helps researchers to better understand this impact-abrasive wear test, such as the occurring wear mechanisms.

The paper can be downloaded:

Good work!

Workshop for Early Career Researchers

mineAlloy researchers and PhD students attended a workshop for early career researchers.

The workshop was organised by Deakin University’s Institute for Frontier Materials (IFM) and held at the Waurn Ponds Estate. The program included highlights such as publishing in high impact journals (provided by a senior editor of Nature), presentation and media training, a grant writing workshop and networking event. Very positive feedback has been received from all participants and more workshops are planned.