2nd mineAlloy annual meeting

2nd mineAlloy annual meeting

September 11, 2018

The mineAlloy students and researchers’ retreat was held at the Deakin Waurn Ponds campus on 6th September 2018, followed by the second mineAlloy annual meeting on Friday 7th September.

The retreat included a presentation on Communication skills for industry engagement, delivered by Prof David Halliwell (Deakin University), and a workshop on Wear resistant materials for mining applications, delivered by Dr Jeff Gates (University of Queensland). In addition, the delegates from University of Queensland and Monash University visited the Institute for Frontier Materials.

The program of the annual meeting included a summary of the mineAlloy activities, by Matthew Barnett (IFM, Deakin University), a presentation by Ed Humphries (Weir Minerals) on Opportunities and challenges for METS companies, and a presentation on Modelling techniques for the METS and mining sector, by Paul Cleary (Data 61, CSIRO). In the afternoon, the researchers met with their counterparts in industry to assess the progress of their respective projects.