Mechanical and Wear Testing


Mechanical and wear testing facilities

  • Instron tensile testing equipment and GOM Aramis extensometer.
  • Instron MPX450 Charpy Impact testing unit.
  • Torsion fatigue testing rig (ø = 25 mm).
  • Struers DuroScan hardness testing equipment.
  • Hysitron Nanoindenter.
  • Bruker UMT Tribolab.
  • Scratch and gouging wear testing rig.
  • Impeller-impact wear testing apparatus.
  • Koehler abrasion testing apparatus (ASTM G65, G105 and B611).

The tensile testing machines (30-500 kN) are suitable for tensile, compression, creep, fatigue and bending tests. The GOM Aramis optical extensometer can detect localised deformation and strain patterns. The Charpy impact testing apparatus has a strike energy of 450 J and a low temperature cell, for tough samples. The torsion fatigue testing rig can accommodate samples up to 25 mm in diameter.

The hardness measurements are the first indication of the wear resistance of a material and we can conduct these measurements in the macro-, micro- and nanoscopic scale. The Burker UMT tribolab is capable of conducting multiple wear tests (pin-on-disc, block-onring, scratch) under dry, lubricated or high temperature conditions (1000°C). The scratch and gouging tests allow us to study fundamental aspects of abrasion, whereas the impellertumbler and abrasion wear testing machines simulate the real operating conditions.