The mineAlloy Training Centre is always looking for new talent and we have a number of postdoctoral positions as well as PhD and MPhil scholarships available. Researchers and students work on projects proposed by our industry partners and under the supervision of senior academics:
- Deakin University: Prof Matthew Barnett and A/Prof Daniel Fabijanic.
- Monash University: Prof Christopher Hutchinson.
- University of Queensland: Prof Mingxing Zhang and Dr Jeff Gates.
- CSIRO: Dr Christopher Solnordal.
Our existing projects include:
- Next generation of steels for ground engaging tools.
- Development of new grades of white cast irons for ore chute liners.
- Optimising steel microstructures for wear resistance.
- Exploring new hardfacing alloys to optimise carbide fractions.
- Component design for exploiting additive manufacturing routes.
- Precipitation hardening of high manganese and Hadfield steels.
- Design of components and selection of materials for rock crushing applications.
- Additive manufacturing of cemented carbides.
- New wear testing methodologies.
- Development of a predictive tool for material wear using SPH and DEM simulation.
- Development of new wear sensors and wear sensing techniques.
We are continuously recruiting PhD students and research fellows. If you are interested in any of our projects, please contact us